The Avian Flu - Is There a Natural Cure?
I received this article recently in an email from a friend. This information is very timely and dispels what we are hearing about the flu in the media. It also confirms what I've practiced in my personal life. I welcome all comments about this.
Free Newsletter for Friends of Natural Cures
October 12, 2005
Dear Friends of Natural Health,
You have heard about the Avian Flu that is going to kill nearly all of us with estimates ranging from 5 to 50 million deaths…
My comment - This is the biggest load of hogwash ever put out by the pharmaceutical and/or medical groups and companies to scare people into flu shots to add to their coffers.
Fact: It is impossible for a person who is alkaline, de stressed and detoxified to get the flu – no microbe can multiply in an oxygen rich, nutritionally balanced and healthy environment. This is a scientific fact that has been proved by Nobel Prize winners and world class scientists!
Fact: There is not and in my opinion there never will be a safe and effective flu vaccine that will or even could work. And the flu virus is forever evolving so it is impossible to create a vaccine with the right virus before the flu hits and after that it is too late anyway.
There has never been a conclusive scientific study performed that proved vaccines were safe and effective, on the other hand there is enough evidence in my opinion, showing that vaccines cause autism, cancer, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, ADD, etc.
The press references the 1918 flu pandemic which killed some 5 million people, but what they don’t talk about is that this happened at the end of the First World War when there was filth, hunger and dead bodies every where. This was an ideal breeding ground for illnesses of all kinds. Today it is highly unlikely that this could happen because we are more hygienic and nutritionally conscious.
The scare tactics used to entice people to get the flu vaccination is a ploy by the pharmaceutical companies and medical groups and our governments IOU to them to make money and control people. It is a historical fact that quarantine never worked and never could work. It only prolongs the outbreak at best.
I am sure that every one of you knows somebody who got a flu vaccine once and then got the flu right after being vaccinated.
I need to make my position clear – I am in no way advocating that people NOT get vaccinated. Everybody must make their own informed decision which is why I am giving you information and my opinion. People need to decide for themselves because they have to live with the consequences one way or the other. I can tell you that I will never get a flu vaccination, but I am using our "freedom of speech" while I still can. I foresee this as being eliminated in the world of medicine soon. We are already cutting too much into the profits of the pharmaceutical and medical industry so they will undoubtedly find a way to shut us up sooner or later.
I feel I should also mention, more often than not doctors prescribe antibiotics to their flu patients which is absurd. Antibiotics have no effect on a virus infection, but they do have side effects that can be quite dangerous. Doctors defend their action of prescribing antibiotics claiming that the patient might get a bacterial complication from the virus infection – in my opinion, this is scientifically absurd. Visit for more information on vaccines.
As I mentioned I believe: if you are healthy, you cannot get sick. But if you are not alkaline, de stressed and detoxified or you are nutritionally deficient, here is what I suggest to my patients to achieve optimum health:
For Optimum Health:
Start by eliminating the main cause of any illness "lack of energy" caused by stress - emotional and mental stress. Health is no accident!
Illness is not based on bad luck, genetics or destiny! If you have no nutritional deficiencies, no toxins and no unnecessary stress and you are not acidic or lack oxygen in your system; you can not get sick!
This is a fact that has been confirmed and proved many times over by countless scientists, Nobel Price winners and successful therapists all over the world.
Look for the next newsletter to be published shortly,
Your friend,
Dr Thomas Hohn MD
Director of Natural Cures Research
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That's just what we need. People being advised against using flu vaccinations because it's a conspiracy by the medical community, drug companies and yes, even your own government. I've heard similar stupidity coming from people in the fight against HIV/AIDS -- that there is a natural cure. Whatever. A viral infection can't be cured by having more energy. Natural Health should be sued for disseminating wrong and dangerous information that could have an impact on public health. Avian Flu speads easily. We don't have to worry about just getting vaccinated -- we also have to worry about the people who are not.
dabydeen, at Wed Nov 02, 06:36:00 AM PST
Thank you for your comment Andy. We are all entitled to our opinions.
It's important to recognize though that many in conventional health fields do not believe in taking flu vaccinations (or any other vaccinations). This is still a free country and it is a choice.
I believe there are always other avenues when it comes to our health care, not just one.
Chyrene Pendleton, at Thu Nov 03, 10:20:00 AM PST
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