On Drinking Water
I want to take a moment to emphasize the importance of drinking lots of water everyday. During these very hot summer days, especially across the U.S. right now, it is so easy to get dehydrated.
One way we can tell we need more water, besides from our thirstiness, is by the color of our urine (yes, we're back to that topic!). Ideally, I've learned an almost clear, pale lemonade shade of yellow shows we are drinking enough water. Dark urine is not a good sign although some medications can cause such a color change.
Reaching for a soft drink is absolutely not a substitute for water when we feel thirsty. In fact, the soft drink can make us more thirsty and our bodies know the difference. The solution, as mentioned in an earlier post, is to drink at least 1/2 our weight in ounces of water each day. So if one weighs 180 pounds, for example, that person needs to drink at least 90 ounces of water daily or almost three quarts of water. Spreading it out over the course of the day works best, perhaps drinking a glass each hour.
Here is a great link about water which I shared earlier:
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