The H Word: Holistic Health, Humor & Happiness

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Free Divine Love Healing Program

Free Divine Love Healing Program

World Service Institute is pleased to announce a revised program for the general public that will allow you to receive a FREE Divine Love healing wherever you are world-wide, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, starting immediately! You pick your favorite time or times!

There are no special preparations. There is absolutely no cost. And no one will send you product announcements or sell your name to a marketeer. No telephone calls, computers, or webinars required! Just follow the instructions provided and enjoy!

If you are already registered, you are all set. You do not need to re-register for the expanded hours. Your prior registration is good for all days and for all hours, now and in the future.

If you are new to the Program, you only need to register ONCE for this and all future sessions.

Before you start, there are five key things that you need to know about. Please be assured that these five things are true, whether or not you currently believe them. As you participate in this Program, you can verify your own truth. Here is what you need to know:

A. We all have an individual Spirit. Your Spirit is the highest connection you have to the Creator of the universe. That connection transcends all humanity and can not be manipulated by mankind – by you, us, or anyone else.

B. The energy of the Creator is called Divine Love. Divine Love is the most powerful healing force in the universe. And it is available to you no matter who you are, or what you have or have not done in your life.

C. Our healing team utilizes our Spirit and Divine Love to help your spirit connect with Divine Love to whatever needs attention in your entire system.

D. Your Spirit sets the order of healing in your body. If you are besieged by many problems, it may take repeated sessions to receive sufficient energy to correct whatever you are addressing. This is because your Spirit controls the healing rate in your system.

Since this is a Spiritual, not a mental process, you should know how your own Spirit heals you with Divine Love. Your Spirit clears spiritual conflicts first, then addresses problems that may be life-threatening, and finally your Spirit addresses the symptom(s) that you wanted to correct.

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