The H Word: Holistic Health, Humor & Happiness

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Special Code to Bless Water, Food, Body, Plants

In 2002, I co-produced a television program on The Isle Of Light on the topic of angels and asking for assistance in order to purify bottled water or any water we are in possession of, before drinking it. Larry Contier, a student of angel expert, Doreen Virtue, demonstrated how we each can purify water through prayer and blessing it. There was audience participation also as they tasted before and after the water was purified. This can be done with food too, very important these days as so much is being modified and tampered with. By the way, if you live in Denver, Colorado, reruns of this show (and others on The Isle Of Light) still air throughout the year on DCTV.

Recently, I received the article below on a similar way to purify water, food or anything. I found it to be very interesting and easy to do - please share your results if you try this.

Special Code to Bless Water, Food, Body, Plants...Anything Animate or Inanimate
by Nicole La Voie

995 Twelve years ago, I ran across a paper explaining the 995 as Sacred Geometry Numeric coding designed to bless the food and (change) it vibrationally to that of the Christ Vibration. As our body changes and is filled with more and more light, the vibration of things we eat, drink and surround ourselves with will be more and more important as we become sensitive to the vibrations.

I applied the 995 to many things and it works most of the time (electronic — not always). Since I work with water, I notice that whatever water I buy from the store, the water can be PURE, but the energy is not there. Just imagine how many times the water that is on the planet has been recycled. I found that by blessing the water with the 995, the negativity is remove(d) from it, then, the next step is to ask the spirit of the water to bring it to its highest potential.

By doing this you can bring ALL the water around you, bottle water, tap water, well water, river, lake, ect to its highest form. Our body is made up of over 70% water and the brain is over 90%. Just try it and taste the difference. You will bring your whole body to a better state even if you don't feel it. Give it to you(r) pets and your plants and watch.

Of course, you can also do the blessing to the food you eat, the clothes you wear, the house you live in, the car, etc. To do the blessing to a person or animals that have an imbalance can only help. Also I do the blessing when I see pictures of disasters. Everything we do to dissolve duality and bring the oneness is our prerogative as (a) child of GOD. Let's use it.

This ancient coding meaning is:

The first 9 means dissolving

The second 9 means duality

The 5 mean(s) the power of one

The clockwise circle is to reset the energy

How to do it

Circle your food or water etc. clockwise 3 times and say 9-9-5. Do it clockwise only. Then, ask the spirit (or the energy) of the water, (food) to bring it to its highest potential. That is it. Anybody can do it. It is a matter of choice and awareness.

Enjoy, Nicole

[Nicole La Voie is a French Canadian with a college background in Psychology and Philosophy, and 20 years of hospital experience as an X-ray technician. She is the founder and director of Sound Wave Energy, and has been involved in energy work since 1974. After having a near-death experience, Nicole became interested in the healing arts. She is a Reiki Master, and works with crystals, magnets, and frequency techniques. ]

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The Wonders of Peanut Butter

Remember eating peanut butter sandwiches as a child? That was my favorite food for lunch or anytime - I couldn't get enough of it, especially peanut butter drizzled with honey. These days, I still love my peanut butter and it doesn't necessarily have to be in a sandwich.

My favorite brand is Once and Again (regular or organic) and sometimes I can buy it in bulk at the natural food stores. When opening a jar of fresh peanut butter such as this, you'll notice all of the oil at the top. A trick someone showed me once is to sit the jar of unopened peanut butter upside down for a few minutes and then open it.

Peanut butter and peanuts are actually very good for us, especially for our hearts. If you are eating peanuts, make sure to eat the skins too. The peanut and skin contain a high amount resveratrol, which is a chemical that helps prevent heart disease, as red wine does from the grape skin. Experts say that peanuts can help prevent many kinds of cancer due to the phytosterols peanuts contain, which naturally occurs in some plants and legumes.

Peanuts also are high in protein. For those wondering about the high fat content, not to worry. It won't add fat to our bodies. In fact, I've learned that peanut butter can help one lose weight. Make sure to check the label when buying peanut butter. Most contain too many added ingredients such as sugar, salt and corn syrup.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Cooling Down This Summer With a Frozen Dessert

One fun, delicious and healthy way to cool down is ice cream made with soy milk. My favorite is Organic SOY Delicious (large quart size) made by Turtle Mountain in Strawberry (very creamy with real pieces of strawberry in it), chocolate peanut butter (a favorite for many) and Vanilla. I want to try the Butter Pecan and I probably have to special order it.

All ingredients are natural and it's sweetened with fruit and brown rice syrup. I haven't tried the pint sizes yet with all kinds of flavors. I am noticing SOY Delicious showing up in more regular grocery stores now, probably the result of a growing demand for more dairy-free products.

Coupons for SOY Delicious and other Turtle Mountain dairy free desserts can be found by filling out their online form here:

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

On Drinking Water

I want to take a moment to emphasize the importance of drinking lots of water everyday. During these very hot summer days, especially across the U.S. right now, it is so easy to get dehydrated.

One way we can tell we need more water, besides from our thirstiness, is by the color of our urine (yes, we're back to that topic!). Ideally, I've learned an almost clear, pale lemonade shade of yellow shows we are drinking enough water. Dark urine is not a good sign although some medications can cause such a color change.

Reaching for a soft drink is absolutely not a substitute for water when we feel thirsty. In fact, the soft drink can make us more thirsty and our bodies know the difference. The solution, as mentioned in an earlier post, is to drink at least 1/2 our weight in ounces of water each day. So if one weighs 180 pounds, for example, that person needs to drink at least 90 ounces of water daily or almost three quarts of water. Spreading it out over the course of the day works best, perhaps drinking a glass each hour.

Here is a great link about water which I shared earlier:

Sunday, July 17, 2005

The Unusual Uses of Urine

Last year I received permission from Martha Christy, medical research writer, natural health consultant and author to reprint an excerpt from her book called, Your Own Perfect Medicine, in The Isle Of Light newsletter. I also wrote my personal experience of learning about urine therapy several years ago from a coworker from China. He said he and his family used it for generations and this holistic practice is very common in China.

I was intrigued and had to do my own research on this topic and I learned that urine therapy has been practiced for thousands of years in many countries including Rome, India, China, Europe and during biblical times for beauty, health and youth.

Here is a paragraph from her article under the subtitle, The Medical Proof:

"For almost the entire course of the 20th century, unknown to the public, doctors and medical researchers have been proving in both laboratory and clinical testing that our own urine is an enormous source of vital nutrients, vitamins, hormones, enzymes and critical antibodies that cannot be duplicated or derived from any other source. They use urine for healing cancer, heart disease, allergies, auto-immune diseases, diabetes, asthma, infertility, infections, wounds and on and on -- yet we're taught that urine is a toxic waste product. This discrepancy between the medical truth and the public information regarding urine is ludicrous and, as the news releases you've just read demonstrate, can mean the difference between life and death to you and to your loved ones. "

Read the rest of the article here

Friday, July 15, 2005

Some of the Benefits of Iceberg Lettuce

I've encountered many people over the years who believe iceberg lettuce has no nutritional value, therefore it isn't worth buying or eating much of. It's true the nutrients are very low in iceberg lettuce and it's best to go for green when eating lettuce. However, iceberg lettuce does have special functions for our bodies as I believe all vegetables do.

Here are ways I've learned iceberg lettuce can benefit us:

  • * Iceberg lettuce strengthens the nerves.
  • * It is alkaline - very important for health.
  • * It clarifies our blood.
  • * Iceberg lettuce (and all lettuce) is a great source of fiber.

When I eat iceberg lettuce, I make sure I mix it up as a salad with other varieties of lettuce, such as romaine and/or green leaf lettuce, for the most nutritional benefits. I also believe eating at least one raw salad daily is very important for health.

Monday, July 04, 2005

The Wonders of Baking Soda

I've always stuck to the Arm and Hammer variety although other brands probably work as well. There is something very special about baking soda and I was compelled to write about it a couple of years ago. I am pleased that it's still very inexpensive, around 50 cents for a one pound box and yet so powerful. Here are some of the ways I use baking soda these days:
I use it to make delicious oatmeal/raisin cookies.

An opened box in the fridge absorbs all odors. Make sure you change the box though! Now Arm and Hammer has a box designed for refrigerator use called Fridge N Freezer where you open one side, which has a built-in filter. A regular box works just as well.

Adding some to my bath water is very soothing and baking soda is great for exfoliating the skin when added to my washcloth.

I don't always do this but baking soda is great for cleaning the bathtub and all sinks. I do sprinkle some in my drains, which keeps them fresh smelling.

We all have probably used baking soda as an antacid. It works immediately.

One excellent use (warning - not for those with high blood pressure!) I learned a few years ago, for those whose body is too acidic, is to put a teaspoon of baking soda in an 8 ounce glass of water and drink it - once each day. For health, our bodies must be more on the alkaline side (not too alkaline though) with some acidity. Cold viruses and other viruses such as cancer thrive in an acidic environment. These same viruses cannot survive in an alkaline body. This is very important to remember and just knowing this can keep us very healthy. I'll post more about this alkaline/acidic topic another time. Anyway, the most alkaline substance we can take is baking soda, which is about 14.0 on the pH scale. Water is 7.0, which is neutral (anything under 7.0 is acidic and over 7.0 alkaline). So what I'm saying is, if we find ourselves with a cold and do not have high blood pressure, taking the water with a teaspoon of baking soda will knock that cold out quickly as it brings up our bodies to a more alkaline environment. There are implications here for other viruses too...

So, what are some of the ways you use baking soda?